It’s too late! - The Write Impression


It’s too late! - The Write Impression

It’s too late now…

You missed your opportunity…

Have you ever missed out on something that you really wanted?

When my eldest two children were babies, I had tickets to the Queen concert in Sydney. The tickets were more expensive than I could really afford — but they were a surprise for my husband, and we both loved Queen. My children were ‘lulled’ to sleep by ‘We Will Rock You!’ But I think you know where this story is going. The babies were sick, and I couldn’t leave them with babysitters, so I missed that last Queen concert in Sydney, and it never happened again.

Okay, so a concert is not that important in the long run. It’s certainly not as important as missing out on getting my Nana’s life stories—and I am guilty there. That’s why I wrote The Family Memory Project.

It’s not as important as putting off a simple visit to my best friend (because she will always be there, won’t she?) and then being told of her death. Those things will always be some of the biggest regrets of my life.

I always tell people that I’d rather regret the things I have done than the things I haven’t done—but I can’t regret them unless I do them!

I live by the quote, “All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.” (JRR Tolkien). So DECIDE NOW what is important, and do it!

My youngest son is doing that right now. He left his job as a snowboard coach and has started the next stage of his life adventure. He is off to Guatemala to help in a school, as a sports coach, and teaching the underprivileged kids English. He has wanted to help people worse off than himself for all his life. But because of one thing leading on to another (as they do) he found himself, “teaching rich kids to snowboard,” and it never sat very well with him. So he did something very brave that has made us very proud. He stepped away from that life and went to follow his dreams.

I NEVER want it to be too late, or to have missed an opportunity, ever again.

What about you? Is there something that you have always wanted to do?

Do it now, plan for it now, before it’s too late. Carpe Diem. Seize the day!

People often approach me about how to write a book. They want to do it, but they keep putting it off.

If you want to write that book, do it NOW. Why put it off any longer?

If you need help, and you could do with a writing coach to give you that push and keep you on track, let me help you!

I know how it is to put off your book and make your writing the lowest priority.

That and going to the gym.

We feel guilty about not going to the gym, so we get a personal trainer.

Let me be your personal trainer for your writing!

Read more here.

This month, I have finalised two books. They are at the printers as I write this.

The first is:

Share Your Skills: the ultimate guide to running an arts and craft workshop.

Read more here.

And… the second, the one everyone has been waiting for…

The Family Message book – your message to your family

This tells your family everything they need to know in the worst-case scenario.

Read more here.

So don’t delay,

Do what you need to do, and do it now. You never know when it will be too late.

Warmest regards,
