Your most important message - The Write Impression


Your most important message - The Write Impression

My daughter writes the most amazingly touching cards for our birthdays, mothers’ day, and fathers’ day. She does it right. But I have seen some very poor messages, and some very embarrassing ones.

What makes a good message?

We send messages every day—in emails, when we leave voicemails, when we write a note for someone, and when we send greeting cards. Not everything is done by text!

When you write a message—however that message is to be delivered—there are some important things to bear in mind. These will make it the most efficient and effective message it can be.

A message must be:

A note about messages on greeting cards:

Greeting cards are a personal expression of something that you are feeling. They should communicate how you are feeling to the person they are for. Many people just rely on the sentiments written by card-writing professionals, but it is much better and more personal to write your own.

Messages on greeting cards should be:

The most important message you will ever leave

Some messages are much more important than others. Lately, I have watched friends who have lost a parent as they tried to find all the information they needed to sort out their affairs. At the very worst time in their lives, they were often faced with chaos.

That’s why I put together The Family Message Book. It is your message to your family if you should pass away. I have tried to make it simple, clear, concise, complete and very easy to use.

Everybody, no matter what their age, should be completing this book.

I have had orders from people who want to give everyone in the family this book for Christmas!

It is available HERE